Recover your lost crypto assets with our trusted experts at WHITE HEART TRACKERS. Fast, secure, and reliable solutions to regain your digital wealth.

Total Recoveries
0 k
Wallet Phrases Recovered

About Us


There are various types of crypto scams that people need to be aware of. One of the most common types is phishing scams, where scammers create fake websites or emails to lure people into giving away their personal information or cryptocurrency funds.

Another type is Ponzi schemes, where scammers promise high returns on investment but use new investors' money to pay off earlier investors. Fake ICO (Initial Coin Offering) scams are also common, where scammers create fake projects to raise funds from people. Malware scams are another type, where scammers install malware on people's devices to steal their cryptocurrency.

Lastly, fake crypto wallets and exchanges are also a type of crypto scam, where scammers create fake wallets and exchanges to lure people into giving away their cryptocurrency funds, which they then steal. It's important for people to remain vigilant and do their research to avoid falling victim to these scams.

However, we have put on strategies combined with Blockchain techniques  and Artificial intelligence to help victims of cryptocurrency scams, to recover their funds, money lost on crypto exchanges, crypto sent to wrong wallet addresses, all pending Blockchain transactions and transfers, and other crypto withdrawal issues from cloud mining pools and all type of investment websites

Fast Processing

Highly Professional

Fast Processing

Our Services


Investment Scams

We will help you recover crypto from investment websites. This applies only to crypto sent to scammers wallet addresses that is related to crypto on their respective Blockchains. Contact us for this issues.

Crypto-Mining Scams

Scammers will trick you into connecting your Coinbase or crypto wallets to their APK wallets just to access your crypto wallet and rip off all your funds. They’ll convince you for high returns and stuck your funds in their system. contact us to help.


Scammers will ask you for withdrawal fees just to get your funds out of their systems. All these never ends and you get a whole lots of thousands and millions stuck in their systems. Contact us for assistance, we will retrieve your funds on the blockchain network.


Many users mistakenly sent their funds to wrong receivers or users in other crypto exchanges. this is hard to get back. We will help you retrieve your coins back on the Blockchain network.

Bitcoin/Crypto-Pump & Signal Scam

Companies or individuals will convince many users to fall for the crypto pump and signal scams. Most of these individual wants to hold your funds stuck. We can help you recover your funds.


Most Crypto exchanges like Coinbase, Binance and others, freezes millions of accounts of their users for unjustified reasons. We can will help you to unfreeze your accounts on the blockchain network and give you back access with your funds still intact.

Our Services


Phase 01

Crypto Recovery from scammers

Disabled Crypto accounts recovery

Crypto Scam recovery

Crypto Accounts Recovery

Crypto Account Security

Complete Blochain Assistance

Phase 02

Bithu Dice's & Smart Contract Integration

BTU Public Coin Launch

World Beta Release 1.0

Development of NFT Marketplace

Androaid development of Marketplace

Smart Contract Creation

Phase 3

Creation of the CAT NFT collection

Publish Token Name

Launching our 5555 free mint For Whitelist

Development of NFT Marketplace

Androaid development of Marketplace

Project White Paper


Our Team

Professional Solution Provider

Our Mission Is To Provide Professional and Simple Crypto Recovery Process Through A Variety Of Services In A Professional And Supportive Atmosphere Utilizing Our Unique Recovery Process. Our Mission Is To Recover Your Crypto/Funds.


Are You Ready

Lets RecoverYour Funds
